50 Things to Do Before 50

Today marks the first Sunday of Advent, and to Catholics, it only means that there is just a few weeks before Christmas. I am supposed to attend the Mass this afternoon. However, my body clock isn't cooperating with me, and causing me sleep deprived. It left me feeling under the weather this morning so, I might end up watching the livestream later at 6pm in my room. 

And since I don't feel like leaving the house, I decided to fix my stiff and came across an old list in my 2019 BDJ planner. In one of the pages was a checklist with the title 50 Things To Do Before You Turn 50 which I found from the Readers Digest website. I thought of writing it back then despite I already have my bucketlist because unlike the former, this list will push me to do the items within a deadline which is before hitting the age of 50.

I just tweaked a few in the list to make it applicable to my life here in the Philippines (and I guess I'll be spending the rest of my life in this country). Funny but as I read through the 50-item list, I realized, I had already ticked a number of those even before this article even came on line.

So, what does that list contain? Read further to find out.

  1. Use your passport.
  2. Cry through a movie.
  3. Write a will.
  4. Get therapy.
  5. Make a retirement plan.
  6. Fall in love.
  7. Write a journal.
  8. Get a pet.
  9. Pay off your credit cards.
  10. Look up an ex.
  11. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  12. Go to the library.
  13. Visit a national park.
  14. Take a class.
  15. Volunteer during an election.
  16. Forgive someone.
  17. Plant a garden.
  18. Climb the tallest mountain in your country.
  19. Be alone.
  20. Play an instrument.
  21. Eat something you hate.
  22. Get an adrenaline rush.
  23. Write a poem.
  24. Make a huge mistake.
  25. Go on a ride-along with a police officer.
  26. Write a love letter.
  27. Go on an estate sale.
  28. Check your credit report.
  29. Organize your closet.
  30. Make a budget.
  31. Learn how to make a meal using whatever's in the fridge.
  32. Go to a local fair.
  33. Watch a musical.
  34. Do community theater.
  35. Take your kid on a date.
  36. Interview an elderly person.
  37. Get certified in CPR.
  38. Master the art of apologizing.
  39. Become a Google ninja.
  40. Power nap on the regular.
  41. Never forget someone's name again.
  42. Learn to recognize poisonous plants.
  43. Learn a new language.
  44. Try a different job.
  45. Go scuba diving.
  46. Join a sports league.
  47. Get to a healthy weight.
  48. Go apple picking.
  49. Go fishing.
  50. Attend a music festival.

One look and you may think this list is overwhelming. But as you tick off and complete an item, nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment and having conquered a dare that you once thought could be possible. As for me, my list is still quite long, I know and I have 13 years left before the deadline for everything. But for now, as I live one day at a time, I try to do whatever is one the list that I am allowed to accomplish during the moment. Time will come that before I even knew it, I'll only have one item left before I can proudly say, mission complete. 


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