Life Update

The past few months have been crazy, making this blog a quiet space. I planned to write this entry two weeks ago, but for some reason, my brain cells weren't cooperating that much; it made me postpone doing any updates.

I am currently part of an internship program at a local real estate marketplace. Despite an unpaid stint, I decided to take the plunge to get some experience. Having been forced to go on a career break due to the pandemic, I knew I should gain some skill than just being idle. For the last two months, logging in to Discord for 2-3 hours during weekdays to do random HR duties have been part of my daily routine. I know you're curious about how do I manage to do it. Well, part of the reasons why I opted to give this internship a try is for me to find out if I can run things on a work-from-home setup. Anyway, I am not alone in the team as I work with other women (most of them are moms) who I get to communicate with remotely because they reside in different provinces in the Philippines. I expect to finish the internship in the first week of July and hopefully receive my certificate of completion around the same month.  

Health-wise, I will not deny that I wasn't 100% in the pink of health months ago. Blame it on some personal and career-related issues I have been dealing with; I experienced episodes of erratic blood pressure that I had to consult a general practitioner. My BP still surges occasionally. But I can manage it now with medicines which I take when needed.  

Career-wise, getting a new job is still a struggle for me. Call it maturity or part of the experience, but I've learned and got used to receiving and shrugging off rejection emails from various HR departments. While there would be nights I'd find myself worrying and filled with uncertainty, I still try and apply for jobs whenever I see one where I think my experience and credentials would fit. With the hope that I will eventually be accepted in that one job that will offer me something better (if not best) and replace that job that I abruptly lost due to the ongoing circumstance.

On the positive side, I decided to explore my creativity further by creating another Instagram account last March. But unlike my personal IG account, The Chinita Reader is my other channel dedicated only to books that I have read or currently reading, regardless of their author or if it's an old book or a recently published one. I'm in the process of trying to finish reading another book I purchased recently and will also appear on that account. 

Between job hunting, pondering about life at the moment, and being a bookworm, I find time to go outside and check out events. I went to SM Center Angono yesterday to check out the exhibit Arte de las Flores. It's been a habit for me to see what's exhibited whenever I drop by the Art Walk, and the current ones on display are worth the visit. 

Should I go MIA again, just try to think I am busy exploring new things and going to places that can be worth writing! And before I forget, we only have around two weeks and half of they year is about to be end. I would love to hear what you've been up to and how the last six months have been for you so far.  Share any life update in the comments. I would love to read them.



Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.