On Turning 38

Due to some events happening in the past month, I failed to write the traditional birthday post on this blog as I have always done in recent years.

But as they say, better late than pregnant…I mean, never.

So yes, I turned 38 more than a month ago. And given that I have been busy attending to several things from personal ones to those related to a new chapter that I am about to take, I failed to give time to my writing. 

We just had a simple celebration at home. Just a few days ago, I remember watching an Instagram reel from one of the content creators that I currently follow, Macoy Dubs about the reality of getting older, and some of the things he stated in that video apply to me at the moment.

One is the reality that as you get older, you tend to be picky with people you share company with. Your circle of friends shrinks. This year, with the easing of restrictions, in-person parties are now possible. Next to my family (plus my brother’s in-laws), and despite the decision to celebrate at home, I marked my 38th with Ma’am Cez, her plus one, and her daughter, Ciljon. I don’t know when it all started but we have regarded this gesture of having each other during birthday celebrations as a tradition. Unfortunately, due to a few job-related concerns, her husband Jonathan did not make it to my birthday this year. 

There’s nothing fancy about my birthday celebration this year. Except for that spontaneous decision of buying and wearing a birthday hat, I spent my birthday sharing a delicious birthday meal cooked by Mama with my visitors over a tummy-aching (and not to forget, loud and candid) conversation.

There was nothing much with how I celebrated this year as I preferred it to be observed in simplicity and silence. I guess it's one of the things getting old has inflicted me with. Ayoko na ng masyadong magulo, matao at maingay. I am at this point in life where things related to midlife (and maybe soon, old age) are starting to wave at me, from maintenance meds to those aches and pains.

So despite that, I am thankful to be lucky enough to reach this age. I guess I'll just continue to live my life in the way I want it. To do things at my own pace; to prioritize my peace of mind and sanity and pursue the things that will make me happy instead of living it depending on what others dictate to me.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.