Not Just a Sunday Read

It has been a long time since I really had a great time immersing in a novel. While I had Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go last March, I had to call it a halt from reading it after encountering this book, Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson.

I was not really fond of Patterson novels knowing that he is famous for thriller titles, particularly the Alex Cross series. But upon seeing this book's tagline and after reading the blurb (the novel's synopsis) and I guess being fascinated by the blue and white color of the cover, I decided to splurge on this book (incidentally, this was the first purchase I bought using my debit card :-p)

Anyway, Sunday's at Tiffany's is a story about a girl named Jane Margaux and her imaginary friend named Michael. It was an 82-chapter story that will take you to the streets of New York, the Broadway life, Nantucket and of course the diamonds of the famous jewelry chain, Tiffany's.

But most importantly, this book tells the story of how a child's imaginary friend would come back to the real world some twenty years after Michael left her. The book was somewhat like a modern-day Peter Pan (only that there is no Neverland mentioned anywhere, and minus the pirates) in a more romantic version. But of course, in order for you to know why I said, so, I encourage you to read the book.

I loved how this novel returned my curiosity. I was totally intrigued by its tagline which asks what if the imaginary friend is actually The One. Being someone who sort of believes in that "there's someone of everyone" thing, it really challenged my mind to think how an imaginary friend could be someone's destined person in reality. The book is really interesting as it's indeed a page-turner, for it took me just a week to finish the 82 chapters when it normally takes me forever to finish a book with my erratic schedule.

It was adapted into a movie (which I'm still searching on the Net as of the moment). I was able to get a copy of the trailer via YouTube and I must say that the movie could be as good as the book itself. Although I must say that reading the book is more exciting because of the suspense of what's going to happen next, which of course, you'll never know until you turn to the next page (or the next chapter) and savor each line.

I guess the attempt to finish the whole novel by hook or by crook was all worth it. Despite having read the book four months ago, I don't mind going through it again. I enjoyed painting pictures in my head about St. Regis and Nantucket -- or what a handsome man Michael looks like if he exists in real life.

Oh, and one thing more, I guess sometimes, believing in the impossible won't hurt. After all, there was a great ending from that seemingly-hard belief. Mr. Patterson's novel is a proof of it.

Photo from here.


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