You're the 1 Goldilocks

taken during Lola's 89th birthday last June 12.
Whenever I hear the name Goldilocks, I associate the name with either of these: the girl in the children's book story, luscious cakes and pastries and of course, birthdays. More than just a bakeshop and sweetland, the name Goldilocks has been a haven of sweet treats and memories. My love story started with a box of Goldilocks polvoron left in my doorstep. Soon after, it was my friend's turn to establish her sweet love story with a pack of their macaroons. Their products are more than just a remedy to a sweet tooth, is a way to win someone's heart. In families, including mine, their products had become part of the family's special events. No matter what the occasion is and despite our ages--may it be my two-year old nephew, 25-year old daughter or my 89 year-old grandmother, we look forward to having Goldilocks pastries and cakes as our (edible and yummy) "special guest"in our table during Christmas, New Year's Eve and of course, birthdays.

Now that Goldilocks also served native dishes, I find myself frequenting their stores. When I was teaching, I got so hooked on their fresh lumpia; so heavenly that it became my comfort food. No wonder, even my relatives in Canada would come home just for their polvoron, palabok and other yummy and really Pinoy dishes. I must admit that despite of having Famous Amos or Mrs. Field's, I can't trade them with Goldilocks.

You're the 1 Goldilocks for you bring out the happiness in every story, the bliss and fun in every occasion and most of all, make us proud of being a Filipino. Having Goldilocks gave me another reason to be proud of. More than 40 years of bringing happiness in everyone and memories in every occasion that is worth to be cherished for a lifetime.

Indeed, Goldilocks is more than just a fairy tale character to me--and even to everybody.


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