A Cabinet of Thoughts

I'd like to believe that I was really destined to be a writer. These are some of the journals that I have kept all the years--proof that I would eventually develop a relationship with words. I started writing my thoughts on a diary back when I was 12. But sad to say, that journal was lost and some where burned. I chose to send them on fire for it contains some negative, bad memories.

So, what do most of these notebooks tell? They narrate stories. A lot of them. From my work and the occupations that I had, my feeling towards each and every failure and success, the milestones that I get to achieve, my funny courtship story and the things and the persons that I love as well as the happy events that's worth celebrating.

My journal spells about my faith, the giddy feeling that I have when I fall in love as well as the tears when I fall out of it. These lined pages had been witnesses to what's been running in my head when I meet people and boys too.

Some pages contain prayers and uplifting Bible verses during my times of hopelessness and my words of thanks for each blessing that come my way.

These journals spell history. And like a piece of advice that was once given to me, record the important events of your life. Your children will cherish reading those when you're gone. I find refuge and bliss in every event that I write in my journals and I hope to pass that on to my kids too.


  1. Hi, it's a very great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!

  2. Oh! It's you again. Thanks for dropping by. Hope you'll follow my adventures in this blog.


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