A Date With History

This was a long overdue post that was supposed to be part of the Occupied August series. But likewise, better late than never.

I have been spending weekends trooping to the SM Megamall on Sundays and almost three weeks back, I came across this program Ninoy, My Hero in line with the late senator Ninoy Aquino's 28th death anniversary. The event featured a photo and art exhibit (and by art, I mean the decent, interesting one) from the Samahang Kartunista ng Pilipinas. I also got to participate in writing on the freedom wall they placed to answer the question "Who is You Hero?"

It piqued my interest seeing the exhibit myself. I was caught in awe looking at the images and travelling back in time. I was born a year and two (or three) months after Ninoy's assassination; and by this exhibit, it served as a walk through history on how a hero was made.

I know that this could be that shallow but among the unexpected thing I get to experience attending this event was meeting the country's highest official, president Noynoy Aquino. Interestingly, while having a president in a public place like the mall could be of high security concern, and he had security escorts with him, the PSG guys are not your usual "hawi boys" (to foreign readers, hawi boys refer to security escorts who tend to shove people who would like to glance even get close to a famous personality at public gatherings) and the audience were well-behaved, surprisingly. And I just have to write that one here. After all, events like that don't happen everyday.


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