An Author Visited My Blog

I have been blogging about different topics that grab my interest for six years now. More than the usual cyberspace popularity that other people gain from blogging, my main purpose is to continue practicing the craft that I fell in love with. I do not really aim for fame because given the fact that there are so many blogs existing out there, mine could be just a crumb in the blogging population. Blogging for me really is for outlet of wordy expression and an outlet for relaxation.

So imagine my happiness every time I get to find a notice saying "a comment needs to be moderated" in my blog's dashboard. It never fails to bring me that giddy, happy feeling because it meant someone took time to read my shallow silliness and skim through my thoughts.

May it be a friend or even a complete stranger, their comments in my entries do matter (and when I do get the annoying comments, I just feel the feeling of annoyance and then just let go by deleting it -- no need to stress). Last Friday, while I was filled with excitement to type away my plans for the weekend, someone, girl who went to my pseudonym "annaviajera" left me a comment in my post about the book I previously read. After tracing through the link, I found out that the message actually came from one of the authors -- Ana Maria Villanueva-Lykes, who wrote the kilig story Sweet and Sour and the blogger behind the travel blog, Ana Viajera.

This was actually the fourth time someone I consider famous dropped by my blog so nice enough to leave me a note. Of course, I can't help but be excited and feel the kilig at the same time. For writers like me, just words of appreciation are enough to feel that what I wrote mattered -- at least in one way or the other. And I value that. Regardless of how long or short the comment was and may the comment be something good or perhaps otherwise.

Ms. Lykes, Thank you for the comment and for visiting my blog. I am honored to have someone like you as one of my visitors. I'm looking forward to reading Meeting at San Agustin from the book First Love.

Want to take a peak at Ana's blog? Click here.


  1. Hello, Glaiza!

    This is such a delightful surprise! Thank you! It's always a joy to know that young Filipino writers are supporting their own.

    Thanks for the link too. Please join/follow my site. also, I'd like to know know how your writing desk looks like. Tell me at:

    may you discover more unknown worlds not only through other people's words but most specially your own words :)


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