Defining Humility

I was not supposed to write an entry on this if not for an incident that in a way caused me to feel irked and disappointed. It was actually a scene while I was falling in line at a fast food chain in the mall yesterday, where there is this lady who was almost shouting her heart out angrily complaining to a lady service crew in the middle of a busy place filled with people waiting for their turn.

The reason for her disappointing behavior? One word. Ketchup.

Yeah. I'd say that being one of those people who witnessed such stuff, a woman really behaving badly in public is utterly disappointing. I was both mad and terribly disappointed with the woman (I'd rather use the word because her action was not actually ladylike so to speak) that if I was not that calm, I would gladly want to confront her right there and then to make her know that her act is so wrong and uncivilized. I can't help but mutter, "ketchup lang, ang babaw na dahilan para mag-eskandalo siya at habulin pa niya ng sigaw yung crew (it's just ketchup. How shallow of her to be that scandalous and shout after that service crew)

I suppose, I can't blame myself for feeling that way against the woman. After all, what she just did was really wrong -- too uncivilized even. It's such an irony but don't you find it true, when a person is right no one seems to remember, but when a person is wrong, no one, as in no one really forgets?
Sadly to others, even the slightest mistake like that of the service crew seemed unforgivable.
When I told that story to my mom last night, I was also thinking, why are there bitches like that woman in the world? In defense to the service crew, she does not deserve such humiliation. I'm not bragging or what but people like her; service crews, security guards, janitors and even food court attendants are among those people that I do have a thing for. I admire these people for being humble enough to serve and be of service despite that there are these mean people who look down on them as lowly ones.

And I feel utmost disappointment for such creatures who look down on them. What further irked me was seeing the woman pointing her fingers on the crew (despite the girl apologized and turned her back) and shouting, "hoy, ikaw bumalik ka nga rito, ano'ng pangalan mo?" Frankly, I felt like wanting to explode in anger seeing and hearing that. I really wanted to burst and tell that bitchy woman right on her face "why not trade places with her right now, at least you'd have a taste of her job and the idea of the humiliation you're causing her?" Just so she knew how it feels.

I myself am a customer. I've known and felt how it is to be waiting in line, even mistakenly addressed as "sir" when I should be addressed the opposite of it and other annoying incidents. But then, instead of complaining, I simply say "it's okay" instead. Why? because it's too petty to complain. Yes, there were also times I got bitchy but not to the point that I needed to yell and humiliate people. I believe that there are better ways to air out a complaint. Ways that are more decent, classy, even humane.
It disgusts me to see people being treated in a bitchy manner by someone in front of others. Probably, because I knew how it felt as I experienced being like that at a certain point. I admit, there are also times that I, out of being impatient, wanted to complain with angst to these service crews and fast food attendants but then, it always dawns on me that I am not in any higher position to humiliate another person -- regardless of the nature of his or her job. That instead of complaining, I look at the bright side of it. I am an ordinary person too so to speak, and so, who am I to be served, by another person? When I think of it, maswerte nang pinagsisilbihan pa nga nila ako to think na pwede namang hindi na, because I can do it on my own. But these people gladly oblige.

Thus, instead of complaining, I just try to give back with two words: Thank you. Yes, I know it is just plain, small and simple. But I know that for all that these people does, from the guard who greets me at the mall, who opens the doors for me in the establishment where he is, to a crew who helps me out in carrying the food I had to order, even cleaning the table before I put them down, a simple, yet sincere thank you is what I could give.

It could be that small. But then, I know that for these people, it's already something grand. Something worthy to let them know that their assistance and effort was greatly appreciated.

Too bad, that woman doesn't seem to know what that word is for the same way that she seemed to have forgotten what the word manners meant.


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