What Made My 2010

In my previous post, I mentioned the past year was a period of a lot of milestones and discoveries. Some of them were mine to realize and see while there were also fortunate (and not to mention exciting) things that happened to people close to me.

And so, just to mention a few, this was what made my 2010 in pictures.

People. Side by side career hunting, the first month of 2010 sent me into joining worthy causes including this one, a blogger's event for then senatorial aspirant Atty. Alex Lacson (who was one of my fave authors for his book 12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help the Country). Upon the invitation of my then editor-in-chief, Kay Abella, it was an event I didn't miss for a word. Being a first time voter, the screening process for my candidate was that important. Suffice to say, that after the event, he's worth a vote. :-). But aside from Atty. Lacson, I was also lucky to have met individuals the past year including blogger Rochelle Sy-Chua of Hearty's Haven, Angelu de Leon, who I met through Ms. Kay Abella's invitation, when I once attended their fellowship service at River of God Church in Robinson's Galleria, the band The Bloomfields and crooner and ASAP Sessionista Richard Poon (which are actually by accident :-)

The Magazine. It was also a year where I got challenging (if not "big") writing assignments. During the second quarter of 2010, I wrote an article about Knowledge Channel which I would like to think as a funny coincidence because prior to the assignment, I was actually applying for a position in the said office. The third quarter left me in disbelief because it was on that issue I wrote for the cover story. One thing which I have long been waiting for. However, I had to close this chapter with a final article for the fourth quarter because...

I needed to shift gears career wise. I changed careers twice the past year after coming to a decision that there is a need for feasibility in some aspects of my life. While I felt sad leaving my editors and the magazine, I can't be happy enough because I was able to fulfill one of my earnest dreams of being a published writer.

2010 also marked happy moments I'd love to recall over again. Including these:

Barbz, my grade school best friend got married in April.

I voted for this year's elections. Newbie no more. Enough said.

My brother, Jay-Ar's artwork made it as a finalist to this year's 43rd Shell National Students Art Competition.

My kinakapatid, Ate Roan who's based in Singapore got engaged during their holiday vacay in Cambodia.

My college classmate Joy got a champion through Jeff. Where did their story start? Brace yourselves, it was through the micro blogging site, Twitter!

So, that was how 2010 came and went as I see it. Another year and day unfolds and I hope it will come with a whole lot more wonderful things just like before. How about you, what would you remember about the past year?

Photos: MMLDC website, Jensen Bantaya, Joy Cabaltera and Barbie BellVi Ariquez-Carandang's Facebook accounts.


  1. You're such a sweet lady... Thank you so much... I super feel honored to be a part of your 2010. You made that year special to me too.


  2. You're welcome Roch. Your love story is really inspiring and worth writing. It might have been months since that wonderful moment but I still can't help but be giddy when I read your blog or even look at your photos. :-)



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