Happy 2011!

Time really runs fast! I can't believe that it's the last day in the calendar! 365 days had gone like a breeze. My 365 days filled were with different adventures and lessons to learn. This year, I took some leaps, went through ups and downs, witnessed milestones and went through life-altering changes.

It was a 52-week discovery about life and witnessing wonderful changes not just on my own, but to the lives of others as well. It was a period where some people left and other people came back when I least expected.

A year filled with laughs, tears, elation (not to mention stress too ), people and enriched friendships. While I am closing the year with this post, I am looking forward to a brighter, happier and meaningful year ahead.

I wish you a very and safe Happy New Year.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.