February Feats

I had a very busy workweek and so, while I am catching up on my activities over the weekend, just a quick and short post on some of the winning moments I had this month:

For such a clean slate (no absence or lates) I got one!

At work, I got my first certificate. The reason behind? Perfect attendance! When I told mom about this, she told me it's the trait I got from her and even challenged me if I can beat her record (back when she was a career woman, she had six certificates equivalent to six years of PAs at work). Another one was passing the weekly quality assurance evaluation last week! I'd like to say I deserve to feel glad for it because after failing the ordeal twice, (and I am not going to be ashamed to admit it), who would not be happy if you get a 100 percent, right?

I got this book two years, one month and a day into being single!

A part of my paycheck is spent for books (which are of course, my guilty pleasure) as I am a huge bookworm. Being in a dire need to replenish my braincells and my reading arsenal for a good read, and because I am a big Chicken Soup series fan (this is actually the fifth title in my library), I decided to pick Chicken Soup for the Soul: True Love. There could be a probable hidden reason I cannot decipher for having this book but I can say the other two: One, mom was with me in the mall and I don't want her to see and know I bought a book again; and, two: Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games series is still out of sight in the bookstore (argh!)

In each page is a wonderful story :-)

I finally got to squeeze time to sit on the floor and work on this scrapbook that has been left hidden in my cabinet for weeks. Going back on this hobby made me feel good. Especially because this time, this little brown book chronicles (and will continue doing so until the last page) the milestones I took and will be taking this year. And while the first four page or so had been filled with photos and handwriting, my heart on the other hand, is filled with nothing but giddy delight!

Now, I know I said short -- but... Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.


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