Midweek Outfit Post

Outfit: Pink tee from Reitman's denim jeans from BNY.

This was what I wore to work today. And as much as I would like to blog more, my hands are also a chuckful as of the moment. One of my dad's sisters, Tita F arrived yesterday from Canada to celebrate the holidays here with us (and that dress I am wearing was from her :-)

At the office, we also moved to a new space. While I will have to keep photos of my new office private, I'll make a photo essay so you will still have a clue where to find me on mornings.

Oh, not to forget, I am still not done with the gifts for the holidays and I still got some backlogs pending to be finished.

But don't you worry. I have drafted the entries and will post them the soonest!

Two days before the weekend! Can't hardly wait!


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