December Party Rock: Our Style

Let me borrow a few words to that of our office Christmas Party's theme for this post. A day before closing for the holidays, we had a mini- Christmas Party consisting of our group and the colleagues from a different team. It was a winning moment because we were able to plan and organize the event all by ourselves-- considering that there was just less than ten people to make things happen. And we succeeded at that!

Now, let these photos tell you how the event went! As much as I want to post the photo of what we had, (each of us brought something for the menu as it was a potluck party), I just realized we failed on the presentation part and the only shot that's good for posting was this:

Mango cake from Dulcinea courtesy of Jec and I.
Each of us had a share: Rommel brought pork barbecue, Beth had maja con mais, pancit andd steaming rice were from Kat, Jen brought leche flan and Rodel shouldered the sodas and the utensils.

For the gift giving, we were requested to write at least three items of the things we wanted (badly, haha!) that will fit the budget that was agreed by everyone.

Beth on a wacky loving her GCs from Bench!
Errol approves his brand new earphones

And so does Kat :-)

Freakin' happy me received a planner from Kat.
Jec received Ricky Lee's Para kay B -- from me!
Jen proudly shows her GCs from Starbucks.
While Rommel received food keepers from Lock n Lock.
We had a blast chowing down the food that each of us brought but what made the event wonderful was we were that lucky to have been allowed by our bosses to take the lunch period together to make this potluck party happen. And I'd like to think the clients probably sensed that we were having this gathering for they never called nor rang our phones even after the party.

photo courtesy of Kat Campos-Fowler's Facebook account.


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