It's Proposal Season!

It's fun to think that Christmas season could be compared to Valentine's Day. While one of my friends was addicted to a Valentine's date dinner video, I on the other hand spent Christmas Eve watching these two videos. Marriage proposals seem to be "trending" these days. I know this one's a delayed reaction but I just had the chance to watch a very interesting marriage  proposal that's been viral in Facebook  only last night!

After following the links, I found out that the guy in the video was Timothy Tiah Ewe Tiam, the co-founder of Nuffnang (which provides ads to my blog) and the girl was blogger, Audrey Ooi Feng Ling . While some people call the proposal "was too nerdy", I don't see anything that's corny in it. I even think it's creative as who would have thought image memes could be placed in a wonderful use as that! And by nerdy, I guess it's true that the nerdy ones are often the romantic creatures.

From proposals in a foreign land,  another one that captured my attention was this one posted by a former colleague. Upon watching the video closely, I realized that the guy on it was no other than running coach, Rio dela Cruz. It prompted me to immediately tag some of my former office mates in Makati, who (kinda) know Coach Rio, as they were runners as well. I can't help but be both giddy and teary eyed just watching it and hearing their story. I know it's shallow. but who'd have thought, that the simple query for directions would eventually lead to an accidental meet up inside a jeepney and a love story. Fast forward to 2011, with another jeepney ride, the champion runner falls on one knee to ask a million-dollar question!

Surprises! Love! It really takes a lot to put up something as incredibly great as these. I almost forgot it's actually Christmas and V-day is still months away. :-)


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