This Month, I Learned…

It’s the last day of August! Checking my planner nights before, I just realized that this had been the busiest month so far. The way I see it, this month left me occupied with a lot of things both with my work life and my social life.  

Aside from birthday celebrations, I’ve reached my fifth month in the firm. There had been some untoward incidents this month but it did not happen without any reason. Those events enabled me to realize the kindness of strangers, being able to be a part of something worthwhile, temper management (and I believe I’m getting better one at a time with it) and getting some challenging but interesting tasks at work among others.

But apart from getting older and being challenged at the work that I do, I could sum up my August through words and some of these images:

Cancelled -- in five minutes!
I can really live simply and still be happy minus the unnecessary luxury.

They say the early bird catches the planner -- and cheaper at that!

Some things are worth the wait.

Fostered Friendships
Life is what happens when you're busy making plans. Just when I had made up my mind to see a specific person for a breather after a bad hair day, God thought of giving me someone else who might be the "right one for the job".

I can't believe the "ber" month is here again! I should think about bringing out the TREE!

(Photo credits: Image 3- Januver Tiamson)


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