Seventh Heaven

There's a reason to feel like being on top of the world.
The Chinese people has this belief that 7 is a lucky number. Well, I do have a quarter of that since my great grandmother is Chinese so I guess I am entitled to receive some amount of "luck". Yesterday, I celebrated my seventh month of being with and working for the law firm. And while I was reserving the party for the next few weeks, I had to give in to my whim to celebrate the day.

When I got the job in March this year, there has always been a question of how long will this be. In the past, it has always been my prayer that God would let me just get through the first six months. I just don't know why it has been that way. Probably because in my head, I would feel more safe if I would be able to get through the first 180 days of uncertainty and after that, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But just like the Bible verse said, "don't worry about tomorrow. It will deal on its own." The first few days were more of adjusting which was normal and as the days come and go, I realized things have been getting better. I remember telling my friend Januver that while this is a job, I still feel like going to school every single day of my life. And it indeed is; because I keep learning something new each passing day. As of this moment, I've been on the second week of taking an interim post to cover the job of two assistants while they are on leave. Funny but when I accepted it, the hesitation came afterwards; something that I was upfront in telling my boss about. And all the while that I was stressing about will I fair or fail with the tasks, I would later find out that the boss offered me the job because he believed that I was the right person to do it.

I just needed to believe in myself -- the same way that the boss believed in me.

Yesterday, I got to talk to the boss again. Just as we were about to end the phone call, he began his sentence with "and one more thing". Now, this sent some shivers in my spine because I thought I might have screwed something up or perhaps, he wants me to do another assigned task. But instead, I heard the lines that I never expected.

"You've been doing great (with the job). Things have been better since we started having you around and I thought I had to let you know."

I only manged to utter a surprised "oh" (and with a Filipino accent at that) in disbelief over what I just heard. All I knew was that I was just happily doing my job with a fulfilled heart like how it has been in the past months. I knew it was just a random thought when I said "surprise me". Maybe God was randomly visiting Facebook and chanced upon what I said. We wrapped the conversation and I went back to work gratified. The wonderful feedback did not immediately sink in my head. But when I was already in the comfort of my own home, it was then when I tried to play it again in my head and it is enough to cause those happy tears to escape.

God willing, next month will be a double celebration. I keep praying that this is going to be for the long haul.


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