Because I am Currently Busy...

I could not blog much. Work has been overflowing after the five days (including weekends) of vacation for the Easter holiday. If you were to click on the picture below, that's the screenshot of my office calendar. It has most all of the events both personal and professional (READ: WORK RELATED).

Pink, green and white = eye candy.

I just returned to work two days ago but I've been extremely busy. I am anticipating that the pink marks will increase as each day arrives.

I know that what I need is a good night's rest and some soothing music to calm me down. And for now, Heartbeats by  José Gonzáles does it for me to hush my being when things get nerve-wracking

Two days more to go before another weekend arrives.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.