My August in Pictures

The start of "ber"month had kicked in. And while a lot may have started to be ecstatic about it, I'm just writing this post to do a short rundown of how my August went.

1. I became featured in another quarterly magazine.

After months of waiting, the third quarter issue of Family Matters magazine was released online around late August. (I'm still anticipating the arrival of my complimentary copies that are yet to arrive in the mail) . My writer friend Excel interviewed me for this quarter's theme months before and this is my second time to be featured in a magazine (the first being the Millennials and Money issue of MoneySense magazine last year) discussing all about my career and how a day in the life is like. Talk about #TitaHits

2. My parents celebrated their birthdays.

August has been what we consider the most celebrated "birthday" month with around five family members and relatives celebrating their big days just days if not weeks apart (so literal na may linggo-linggong pa- spaghetti si mayor! Hahaha!!). This one was taken during Mama's 66th birthday. Our family have gone through an ordeal a week before but here we are blessed to have celebrated two important events as a complete family.

3. My relatives from Papa's hometown came over for a visit! 

2018 has been a challenging year for us. We found out that Papa has cancer exactly on  Valentine's Day and while that revelation almost shattered our world, we still try to live one day at a time. When he experienced a terrifying ordeal in the first week of August, I believe that it happened for a reason and with a purpose. For that allowed us to interact and be with other family members that we don't get to meet often. 

4. I got to conquer one of my fears.

And speaking of challenges, we have had a lot of that this year -- mostly health wise. Aside from Papa a number of members in the family got sick this month -- me included (though I was the last to be hit by the bug!). I'm a skeptic about "ghost months" but in a way last month proved that it's somewhat real. I've hated needle pricks but it came to a point that I had to experience it. And while this isn't a good photo, I believe it's still worth-including; because getting sick caused me to conquer one of my fears. Thanks to the ER nurse on duty, my encounter with heplock and needles did not end up to be traumatic. 

5. I had my first food park experience.

I've always wanted to visit a food park but I was always battling exhaustion, distance and time constraints so Maginhawa and Katipunan is temporarily out of my list. I've been hearing about this food park that's just a 30-minute jeepney ride (includes the minutes spent in evening traffic) from my hometown so I decided to visit the place during my recent long-weekend break from work. 

6. I finally got one of my dream group photos taken. 

Like what I once said in the caption of this photo posted on my IG and Facebook accounts, I've always wondered how it's like to get the four of us in one photo given that we follow different schedules and have different lives career wise and during that dinner, the said question was answered. Enough said!

7. Got to throw an advance celebration for Jonathan's birthday. 

Going to The Site Food Park is not just to experience the hype of a booming business of food parks. Given that we don't get to see each other often (and because Jonathan's birthday falls on an approaching September weekend, I suggested to his wife that we do up an advance celebration together with our long-overdue bonding session. And throw a simple birthday party, we did!

August may have been a challenging month but I weathered that nonetheless. the first of the four ber months is here. And so here's to hoping that those remaining months will be kinder and probably happier. 


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.