Blurry Tuesday

At least that is how I can describe it. It all started when I arrived in the office yesterday expecting my office mate Sunny to finally be there (we have not seen him since the second week of December). It was not until another colleague Fern said these words:

"Wala na daw ang mama ni Sunny."

It was something I never expected to hear that day. To know that kind of news left me with this gripping feeling of disbelief. Yes, it was a cool morning but at that time all I was feeling was numbness in my toes slowly ascending to my body. I felt it all the more when I came home, browsing on Facebook, I read this:

Reading this still makes my eyes well up as I type this entry right now.

For a time being, I sat in the living room at a loss for words. In a way, I knew how Sunny and his family is feeling for I went through the same ordeal with my own grandmother eight months ago and it's still a fresh memory. While I have been somewhat consoled by people's advice that death is really inevitable, there still are times those why's would pass by my head. It made me think that probably, the concept of death will remain as a strange thing.

Yesterday, in the midst of those confusion, sadness and disbelief over the news that we all received that morning, I passed by the church near my office before going home, hoping to seek solace and refuge, and to pray for the repose of the soul of Sunny's mom. No word could ever console a grieving heart thus, this would be the best thing I know I could do. And if there is one thing I have realized, it would be this:

That prayer is the most effective respite to the worries of the world.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.