The Power of a Praying Employee

As I write down this entry, I have been with the law firm (and my job) for for two years and four months. Next to my former stint as a freelance writer, this is the longest job (duration wise) that I had and am currently having.

The journey to finding this stability was not easy -- at least for me. I had to shift from one career to another. I had to endure challenges from changes of schedule, termination and resignation. I even came to a point that I just wanted to quit.

But then, if there was one thing I kept praying for during those tough times, it was for God to grant my life the FEASIBILITY that I needed. I was not specific as to how. And recently, I just found myself praying with a more thankful heart because He had finally started granting me what I had prayed for. I simply could not believe that 28 months had already passed and I just did not feel that. Maybe that really is the feeling when you love what you are doing and if it is really what God meant for you to have.

Besides that prayer, I only once dreamed of two things: having my own office desk and going to work with regular compensation. But in the days that followed after I reached my first year in March 2013, I realized how God blessed me with more. As of this writing I, together with my other colleagues are eagerly anticipating the arrival of another good news that was revealed to us earlier this month. And while it was something we did not expect, maybe God saw that we did something which made us earn a very huge favor.

If there is one thing I learned besides the working power of prayers, it is that God does find a way to provide the answer in the best way that only He knows.


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