What's on my Kikay Kit

I am in the verge of laughing at myself as I type this entry today. I am no beauty blogger nor do I consider myself kikay. In my younger years, while girls my age (as young as 15) can apply liquid eyeliner and mascara effortlessly, I can't even befriend the hairbrush to fix my then long locks. Nor was I an avid fan of cosmetics. If there was one thing I tend to use during those "awkward period" it would be the lipstick but even the only gadget that gave my puckers a pop of color became something i don't like wearing.

But a decade or so would change that. I realized being in a corporate world would entail stress-filled days and affording to look haggard and stressed is a no-no. I only started with the usual lipstick and pressed powder. But as I inspected my bag, I found out I have a make up kit equipped with the basics:
  1. Clean and Clear Oil Control Powder in Natural- My face tends to acquire oil build up especially at the middle of the day so this helps a lot and also makes wonders in taming too much makeup color.Who would have thought a drugstore brand priced at PhP127.00 (for a refill) can do that?

  2. Maybelline Blush Studio- I tried different brands of blush and next to a local brand that I once used, this one suits my skin color. The shade gives my cheek a pop of color without looking too artificially applied. At PPp 349.00, it was worth the money.

  3. Clinique lipsticks- While I had this love-hate relationship with lippies before, it's funny to find out that my kit has not one but a a couple of shades: Rubelite which I use for formal functions ,workdays and when I want to look sultry whenever I go on dates. The other one, Watermelon is the alternate shade I use when I feel like it. The lippies are a bit pricey at PhP1,495.00 per tube but it's worth the price as you don't have to reapply them several times as the products are long-wearing lipsticks.

  4. Fashion 21 eyeshadow- Just to put a pop of color for my eyes. I use the pink shades as they are basic and fit for daily use too.

  5. Chapstick lip balm- This is also a dual purpose item on my kit, as a base before applying my lipstick and to protect my lips from painful chapping which tends to happen given that I am in an air conditioned room 9-10 hours a day every week

  6. Myra BB Cream- This works both as moisturizer(with Vitamin E) and as a makeup foundation base. At PhP 99.00, it's light, non-greasy formula on skin and not to forget it does not leave a heavy stain on my compact powder sponge too.
Who says beauty should be about heavy make up and have to be heavy on the budget? Beauty need not be expensive. How about you, what are the kikay products you rely on? Drop me a note. I'd be glad to know and even try it myself. :-)


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