Manila International Book Fair 2019

After missing last year's Manila International Book Fair, I was able to attend this year's event three weeks ago. I was planning to visit last September 13 and even considering a personal day off for this event but decided against it for two reasons: 1) It was a payday weekend and 2) Being a bit on the superstitious side, I tend to heed the advice of avoiding trips on Friday the 13th.

I was just in the SMX Convention Center for a few hours. The weather was not friendly that day and given the transportation issues at the moment, I don't wish to be caught in Manila's horrendous traffic.

And because of the reasons I stated above, I was unable to hoard books this year. But it was something that I don't mind because at the moment, I still have books waiting to be read. I was able to roam around the venue and check other exhibitors though. Compared to my first MIBF attendance three years ago when I came home with a number of books, these are what I got this year mostly from Kerygma Books of Shepherd's Voice Publications.

These cute parenting books were from Pauline's which I gave to my officemate Eloisa.

And despite the crazy weather, this photo was the highlight of my trip to the book fair this year. I've been following Catholic preacher Brother Bo Sanchez on Instagram and it was from there I saw that he will be attending this year's MIBF for an autograph signing. This was a happy coincidence because I was not hoping that I will make it to the venue in time. But as luck would have it, I got there 30 minutes into his book signing event-- and I was able to have my copy of the book Enjoy Your Age How to Claim the Blessings of Your Season signed by the author himself. Talk about a bucket list item achieved. 

Next to realizing that transportation is an issue of national concern, (30 minutes inside the MRT coach from Shaw Boulevard to Taft is not the norm) I would still say that this year's MIBF trip was worth it especially for a self-confessed bookworm like me. I've already asked my brother to be my plus one for MIBF 2020  next year just so I will really utilize the time and hoard books to my heart and brain's content. 


  1. Yes!!! Worth it ang pagdayo :) I always love it when I encounter people who shares my interest with books. Next year, hopefully more books to happiness :)


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