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If you're one of those Facebook Nazis out there like I do, surely you're familiar of the sign pictured above. Now get ready bloggers because the said sign will no longer be exclusive to the social networking site alone.

Because the widget is also compatible to your own blog post!

You saw that right folks! I've seen this sign over at one of my favorite blogs Topaz Horizon and of course being the mild techie that I am, there was the whole curiosity streak playing around like how's that done? You see this blog has widgets here and there and I have fun learning how to give my page some DIY. Thankfully, her hubby The Third World Nerd wrote an entry about this new cool widget complete with how to do it.

So finally, after some tries (I wasn't that lucky on the first installation attempt) the widget will be a mainstay for all my post.

You may check out the instructions by clicking here.

photo credit goes to The Third World Nerd.


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