Tedious But Worth The Sacrifice

Finally it has been declared that El Niño is over. And to me, it's a bit of relief. Goodbye to the harsh weather and of course to this mid-afternoon sleepiness that has been consuming much of me.

On the other side, I had been so busy lately as it's high time for the magazine. The second quarter started later than I normally saw it. Being in the stint for four years, normally the release of the first issue is in March or April but this year we sent out the first issue in May; and so we're running after deadlines so we can hopefully set out the second issue by this month or next month.

So my mornings are again consumed by writing or revising articles, doing follow ups with my section editors through email and occasional phonecalls plotting and doing interviews as I have a number of articles assigned to write about.

My night time is still not excluded as I use this for my reading. Call it coincidence but due to my busy schedule with the articles and the fieldwork, I was unable to read the book I've Been Dating...Now What? until the second day of June.But just to clarify, I am not dating yet as of this writing. And it seriously needs some devotion of time to understand each part. As of now, I am dealing with the definition of social obligation in the context of marriage and must ask mom about child discipline matters. I am actually learning a lot that I don't mind spending late hours just for reading.

And in line with this new venture, I started doing a 40-day blog challenge where I wrote my daily observations and learning (may it be personal or related to the lessons) on a different blog. And I wrote them in a short but meaningful way--in Filipino.

There are some things that are actually tedious as it seems but then, at the end you'll find out it's worth all the effort. Thankfully tomorrow's a weekend and I can have some bonding time with some girlfriends.

How do you plan to spend your weekend? Drop me a not and I'd be happy to know.


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