Somebody Made My Wish Come True

Yesterday, just before the official holiday break, I got to join my team mates for our after shift Christmas party. It was a typical one except we had it at the early hours of the day (who parties at 6:30 am, right?). After logging off from our Cisco phones, off we go to Rufo's Tapa first (though I came there last because I waited for my seatmate Tish to finish her after call work) and it was one hearty breakfast -- with yummy food and lots of laughs.

I was able to fulfill my "baby's" wish on what she wanted, but I also got my own share of unexpected astonishment as my office mate Chin A. surprised me with this:

At first, it never dawned on me what the gift was. But as she handed me the envelope, lo and behold in its yellow glory in front of me were not just one but three Starbucks gift certificates. My teammates actually got surprised because the said gift made me scream (all right, just a bit). Talk about being shallow, I actually included a Starbucks day in this post and shrugged the whole thing off after writing it. When the morning of the 21st came, Chin passed by my station with those strips of paper asking each of us at least three things that we want on our wish list. But because the list was needed by 5:30 am and I was busy with after call work, I just scribbled there a GC, a teddy bear and a DVD of Up!

While I wanted any of the tree things, days before the party I was silently wishing that I'd get the GC. So imagine the giddy excitement when I really got my wish.

Another teammate commented saying that my wish was actually easy to find. Actually, that's among the reasons why I wanted just this stuff -- I don't want to give my secret Santa further inconvenience in scouting for the gifts, given our schedules. The second, there is actually a special purpose and reason for this gift. But I'll have that reason for me to keep. All I know is that some wishes, do really come true -- and that's for real!


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