Not a (Party) Newbie Anymore

Last Friday, I attended the office Christmas party held at Metro Concert Bar in West Avenue. And actually, it's one event that to me has a lot of "firsts".

I know I still haven't evolved in the subject of "outfits", I still remain in the usual semi-formal if not smart casuals. But anyway like what I mentioned, an event of firsts, this is actually my first time to really attend a Christmas party as a full-time employee. I was a bit hesitant to attend days prior to the event. But with mom urging me to go, telling me that I need some "real" social life (read: meet people without using Facebook and go out), I decided to give in. And that's despite not getting sleep. This is me with my best friend Apple.

It was also my first time to go bar hopping and party till the wee hours ( I know Cinderella has a curfew of 12 midnight but for this purpose, the fairy godmother extended the curfew to 2 am and I think I knew the reason why :-p). And while bars and partying also spell overflowing mugs of beer, I'm proud to say that I was able to come home whole and without the hangover. That's because I still gave an adamant decision to not drink at all. And another thing I realized, the term "wallflower" is not exclusive to the ladies, because during the party, I found out that the term applies to guys too.

Over all, the party was fun. The entertainment was great as our bosses showed their talents and we staged our version of Pilipinas Got Talent too complete with generous prizes. And by generous, the company also raffled cool gadgets to the employees. And while I did not win any of those, the experience was all that it took for me to enjoy the whole night. Thank you Jam Castro Mamaril for the photos and for the great company with your team.


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