Lessons I Hope To Teach My Kids (If I'd Be Blessed With One -- Or Two)

I was browsing through the files on my laptop tonight hoping to post at least one thought before I hit the sack or while waiting for my melatonin capsule to work. Right now, I just checked for what's been new in here and I got another surprise comment.

I thought of posting something about lessons. I just thought of tinkering them months about things I'd want to teach my (future) kids. As I write this entry, I am just two months shy from turning another year older. I am about to reach the age where most people settle down and start a family of their own and I won't be ashamed to admit that such thought had been crossing my mind too lately, once in a while.

So what are those bits and pieces I hope to pass on? Scroll down and take the plunge.

1. Not to worry about tomorrow; for it will deal on its own.

2. That the reason God created each and every brand new day is for you to redeem yourself from the mistake you made yesterday.

3. Fall in love with reading and books. For they're are the best companions you could ever have in times of solitude.

4. Crying is fine to express grief for it heals you. But if you let that overcome your being, it could kill you.

5. The first person you’d fall in love with doesn’t necessarily become the last. It hurts. But in reality, it rarely happens.

6. To behave as a lady (or as a man) whenever in public.

7. If you’re not involved in something, don’t try jumping into it.

8. Cherish and respect your parents.

9. Keep in mind the importance of marriage and if you could, opt to stay happily married.

10. Some things require deciding on your own. It might not always be right but when you made a wrong one, pull yourself up and learn from it.

11. Besides honesty, punctuality as well counts as the best policy.

12. Be nice to janitors, waiters and security guards.

13. Teflon pans and Scotch Brite scouring pads don’t mix.

14. Sometimes, when the situation calls it, saying no and surrendering is the only option. And there's no harm to give in to that -- especially if you know you've done your part, and your best.

15. That if all else fails, try PRAYER. For all things that are impossible to men, are possible with God.

Mom's finally calling me for bedtime. I still have journal to write to. Have a good night everyone.


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