A Blessed Year

I am taking a break from all the holiday drama binge watching to write my thoughts on the last day of the year. As I type this down, the household smells of roasted meat and everyone busy with the New Year's Eve preparations. On the other hand, I am in my pink bathrobe and with a purple towel on top of my head.

A few weeks ago, out of sheer playfulness, I took that silly quiz on Facebook about how the summary of my 2017, it was described in a single word: Blessed. And looking back,  believe these photos speak strongly.

Two months after the release of results, I finally obtained my eligibility certificate last February -- which made my feat official! 

While my career service award arrived in May, I finally reached my fifth year in the company in March.

I went on a few personal missions. One of which was attending Dia Internacional del Libro (International Book Day) of Instituto Cervantes and the Embassy of Spain in April. And aside from the attendance, what made it more special was I took part in another endeavor -- as one of the 500 writers who volunteered to write Don Quixote dela Mancha -- by hand!

Photo: @iam_aru

2017 was also a year of meeting new people. In the case of the photo above, it's meeting fellow volunteer employees from different offices (most of them I don't get to see often) during our annual project planning.

This year, I graced the page of a finance magazine, Moneysense Philippines in their Millennials and Money issue. It felt kind of surreal because during one period in my life, I was the one chasing others and asking for interviews. But this time around, tables just turned as I am now a resource person giving a talk about my career to millennials!

I turned 33 in November. and celebrated the occasion three times! :-)

After being in the company for half a decade, I got to experience how it is to celebrate one of America's favorite holidays for the first time: Thanksgiving with fellow volunteers and Career interns.

Photo: @jukariluna

I ended the year with another meaningful endeavor: by choosing to volunteer for the gift-giving event in a depressed area in Tondo for the first time. While this was something new to me, and at one point, made me feel worry for myself healthwise, conquering this kind of activity felt good and was also a humbling experience.

Most of the time, Wittybunny to me is just a silly application. But this time, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. This year was filled with ups and downs, stresses and easy days. It's a mixture of the equal stuff. This morning, upon waking up and realizing it's the last day of the year, I prayed for a number of things -- including another meaningful, blessed year.

I shall now resume my holiday programming but not without wishing you one thing: to have a safe, peaceful and happy new year.   


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.