No Internet, No Problem!

Photo: Nick Morrison/

Reliable internet connection is a must-have nowadays. Such proved to be true especially when the pandemic caused left and right lockdowns and required people to perform work-related tasks at home. 

 But how can you perform tasks if your internet connection is unstable? That is one of my dilemma the past few months. Poor internet service is one of the main reasons why my blog posts became fewer. In the end, despite having my plan upgraded to 10 Mbos, I decided to terminate my wireless broadband internet service because I realized that it’s useless to be paying costly monthly service fees that does not even commensurate the service I demanded.

But I discovered a few hacks that I got to use to update my blog and post entries once in a while. Practical ones that I didn’t even realized previously.

1. Draft scheduled posts using a laptop. I create my drafts using my laptop, including the date and time for each entry before using the usual copy-paste system of the content onto my blog’s blank space. In some instances, I use the “scheduled post” function of my blog so automatically publishes the blog entry at a given date and time without having to manually press the “publish” button.

2. WPS and and OTG USB are the key. I learned about WPS through my nephew Kyle when I was faced with an issue regarding the expired license of my MS Word software. The plan of having a genuine software installed on my laptop is still on my list but WPS was a helpful tool since it mirrors the function of MS Word and can also be used to see the document when I use my mobile phone.

And just when I thought my on-the-go (OTG) USB will just be an item to aid me with my Kdrama marathons, apparently, it became a trusty gadget especially since I used my mobile phone to access draft documents.

3. Utilize your phone’s mobile data. I admit that next to using my phone as a personal hotspot, using unused prepaid mobile data was something I discovered late. And this tech hack became useful for posting my blog entries. I just made sure that my draft entries have been well-proofread so I can save the MB’s of my mobile data allowance.

I’m still on the hunt for a better internet service provider. Next to using mobile internet connection, I decided to try relying on a prepaid WiFi connection. I’m one of those hoping that our internet connectivity issues can somehow be resolved as a lot are relying on it especially at this challenging time. But at least, I discovered a few hacks and still get to continue blogging every once in a while. 


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