One Wish, Nine Lessons

A few hours ago, I just finished the nine masses of Simbang Gabi. I was able to do it for four consecutive years and the last time I accomplished the cycle was back in 2009. I had to set it aside for two years primarily because of work-related obligations.

But this year was different -- totally at that. A lot of good things had happened to me recently and realizing that my schedule finally allowed me to fit going to church for the said endeavor, I really blocked the dates of December 15-23 to perform a sacrifice. It was also more of an out of whim desire for me to do something which I missed doing. But as I get to accomplish one night to the other, I realized that in every mass, I get to pick up a valuable lesson.

I wrote each thought in a memo cube in my desk at the office every single day.
And since I'll be on vacation, I took this home to continue and 
kept it in 
the page of the Bible which was a wedding gift to my parents.

In case, you can't read my handwriting  the following are what I picked up in the nine nights I attended the novena masses:

  1. The best way to show love and respect is to be willing to WAIT for the right time.
  2. A legitimate child comes from the womb. But an adopted child comes from the HEART.
  3. A bad news could eventually become a good news.
  4. If you know how to believe in the impossible, that is when and where MIRACLES happen. CHRISTMAS is a time for miracles.
  5. Saying YES to God does not guarantee that you will be free from problems. Instead, God will assure you that He will be with you during your life's difficult times.
  6. If you serve others, do it wholeheartedly and God will take care of the rest.
  7. Christmas is not about fulfilling the needs of the world, but fulfilling our needs as individuals. It's not about the decorations. The real meaning of Christmas is about Jesus being born in our hearts.
  8. Greetings, more than just "hi" and "hello" are affirmations. And when you affirm someone, always look on the optimistic side. People who affirm with optimism creates a path that leads to meaningful relationships.
  9. No matter how wonderful things seem to be, we all have our own realities to face. Despite of unanswered prayers, remember that God has something special in store for us.
Now, they say that once you complete the nine masses, you are entitled for a wish. It was the least thing in my mind. I had a hard time searching for words to verbalize what I was to ask for until I was halfway through doing this form of sacrifice. I will be giving out a huge lie if I said I did not dare to wish for something. I admit, I did ask too. But what I realized in the end was that doing this as a sacrifice was worth it. It was not easy to wake up as early as 4:30 am to go to work and come home at 10:00 pm from the mass, but God provided me the strength and worked miracles on my schedule just so I will still have the energy to make it to church. And when I think of it, God has been so kind to hear many of my prayers and doing this act that comes once in a year is the least thing I could do to give back with all the blessing that He has provided me with.


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