What I Got and Gave for Christmas

It's another Christmas Day! And one of the things that we all look forward are gifts. I have not wrapped gifts for quite a while. It only resumed last year and since then I thought of doing it as if it's a tradition.

I was not really anticipating a lot of gifts to be wrapped. I did some last minute gift purchases the afternoon of 24th. But my brother came home with the presents he brought and realizing that mom was still busy with preparing the food for Noche Buena, I just told him to leave it with me. I finished wrapping these three hours before midnight. And while I am not normally fond of wrapping gifts, (I always leave it with gift wrapping counters in the mall) I did the work since last year -- thanks to that episode of My Binondo Girl, I learned the tricks of the trade from Kim Chiu. These gifts range from toys, DVD, a watch, a huge pillow, books and dress.

I also received some tokens from my office mates. From chocolates, trinkets, beauty stuff, a very cute wallet and another year's supply of stationery and notepads (yup. I still have the gift from last year).

What's Christmas without the aguinaldo. I used to give out red Chinese envelopes but when my then office mate (who is Chinese) said those are for New Year and birthdays, I resort to using these money enclosures instead.

This holiday was also a time to fulfill both a wishful thought and a childhood dream. Two months before my birthday, I thought that I'd own an Apple gadget by the time I am 28; perhaps anytime in 2013. I finally got my wish three weeks before Christmas out of my 13th month pay. I just settled for an iPod Shuffle because aside from it's what I could afford, I knew I don't need something downright frivolous just for the experience.

Now, getting a snow globe has a different story. I had been fascinated with snow globes as a child and while it was years ago, I still get amazed whenever I see one so last Saturday, I finally got myself this Santa snow globe which sits on my table in my bedroom -- and it's enough to remind me of Christmas.

I hope your Christmas went as wonderful as you wanted it to be. Merry Christmas everyone.


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