Bring Out the Christmas Decors!

I know Christmas is still 46 days away. Here at home, we were given advance notice not to put up the decorations yet as one of my aunts in Canada will be coming home for the holidays with I guess a box full of Christmas stuff. But it looks like we can't really stop ourselves from inviting the Yuletide breeze in.

And so, despite the warning, our house is now adorned with these:

Outside our house...

Outside grandma's house, they have lights too! Gaya-gaya lang!

If you think Farmville is the only place for a topiary, I have one at home too, plus three Christmas trees!

I still want to add few more pieces to what mom had already arranged. I'm thinking of putting white poinsettias since it looks like our unit's motiff is a white Christmas. Either way, maybe gold would be nice as well. 


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