Twice The Magic

I never wished on that magic wand
Just followed the sign and took my stride
And as the crowd had cleared the land,
You were the one I'd get to find.

I guess I lost track of my calendar today. Leaving home early for work, I found it weird to find roads that are so quiet; with not much commuters, one could freely drive like a maniac if they wanted to.

I only realized halfway through the journey that today is actually a holiday. (Sigh). I guess I still haven't removed this thing of observing foreign holidays instead of our own and I am still used to reporting to work on a holiday.

But if there was one thing I consider great about coming to work on regular holidays, it's this incident that happened this morning. I was walking on the way to our office building when a lady wearing a hijab passed ahead of me. While I thought of it as something ordinary, there also were ideas running in my mind.

Like what if this person is related to someone I know.

Call it funny, call it creepy but something that made me giddy and smile to my heart's content happened minutes after that. Just as the lady disappeared and the halls had cleared, I saw a good-looking man approaching my way.

It was him -- a person I knew and befriended from way, way back. The usual exchange of pleasantries were there. Funny but just when I thought is a usual street meeting, he turned back to verbally invite me to one of their office functions.

I won't be disclosing my response but as I paved my way to the office to begin another workday, I was really wearing this HUGE, delightful smile on my face. Yes, I confess that I sort of prayed that someone as dashingly handsome, smart and nice as him (only modified in some important aspects) would eventually come my way. But then, there's another thing I was telling myself:

Despite the weird feeling of making those coincidences real, I sure am a lucky girl!

photo courtesy of DeviantArt.


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