A December Weekend Lunch at Italianni's

It's the last weekend of the year. And if there was one nice thing about going to work while everyone else is savoring their lengthy vacation, it's receiving unexpected surprises. Case in point, the following photo:

Another dream come true before the year ends. :-)
A few weeks before Christmas, one of our lawyers in the firm, Suzette informed me that she was coming home for the holidays. And as soon as I returned in the office last Thursday to work the last two remaining workdays of the year, one of the secretaries told me that I should really get in touch with her because she wanted to see us. And upon getting Suzette's number, we ironed out plans about meeting up.

Funny but I was both on work and planning mode at the same time. I was communicating between her, my other office mate Karla (the girl in pink printed dress) and Duncan who was unable to join us because he was spending the holidays in Pangasinan.  We only finalized the meeting place the night before our scheduled meet up.

I was up early last Saturday. Blame it with my working hours or out of excitement but I will not deny any of those; because when I first found out that Suzette was from Manila (she joined the law firm three weeks after I came in in March of this year), I already hoped that I would eventually meet her. And fast forward to nine months, it happened. The three of us met at Italianni's in Glorietta 4. And what more would be expected? I was in a way, star strucked meeting Suzette for the first time (yes despite when she told Karla and I that she sat next to Coco Martin on her flight from Hongkong to Manila).

Just like the other peeps in the Australian office, Suzette was so cheerful and was also excited to have finally met us because she only hears our voices on the phone. Of course, we talked about a lot of things mostly about how it was in the Land Down Under. But then, what happens in Italianni's stays in Italianni's so I could not divulge them here.

Our weekend lunch was one of the best things to cap off the month. And Suzette was hoping to meet up with us again before she flies back to Australia as work resumes on January 7.


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