One Last Note for 2012

It started with an unexpected turn at work. But God provides for He blessed me with a better job, a generous and wonderful boss plus the coolest, sanity-saving colleagues. Many of my dreams were fulfilled, a number of my prayers were granted. I met new people; was reunited with college friends and a certain person, who I don't often get to see but to my surprise, has been in my life all along -- and I hope and pray that it is also in His plan that years from now, this person would eventually be the answer to my prayer and that this individual will stay in my life for good. Yes, I am not expecting it in the soonest time for I believe that the things worth having will always be worth waiting for.

It is my ardent hope that the blessings will continue to pour for this coming yer. Nevertheless, indeed, God is true to His promises.

Thank you Lord for the blessings and for answering majority of my prayers. Sayonara and thank you 2012 for being so nice to me. I'll surely miss you. Looking forward to the beauty and the wonderful surprises that 2013 will bring.


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