A Christmas Promise

Dear ________,

Tonight is another Christmas Eve. How are you? I never thought that this night would come and I would find myself writing you this note. As I type every word, I wonder how your Christmas Eve is like – if it's the same as mine or if it is rather different.

As for me, I believe Christmas Eve is just the same to how it was years ago. I hate to take the seasonal joke that I am renewing my membership with the SMP group but then, it is somewhat true (at least weather wise).

More than thinking of how stagnant my Christmas Eve is, I can't help but think about you and how your Christmas Eve will be. And this is something new for me. Just a few weeks ago, I came across your page and read some of your posts. Some of them made me laugh, most of them left me amused, a few gave me a glimpse that you somewhat had a strong personality too.

Then there was this post that made me cry. I don't know why but it made me do two things that I have not done for so long. I could not even remember when the last time I sobbed so hard and so long was; but on the night I read what you have written, I found myself crying my heart out.

I just knew that unintentionally, I was shedding tears for someone else's grief and it's not a common thing. For the longest time I wondered how it is like coming home to someone else. Being welcomed by someone you see as significant after a long, tiring day and being asked how it has been. And coming across your words, I realized that in a way, someone else feels that way too. But I never expected that person to be you.

You have always told me that things happen for a purpose; I suppose there is one reason why just like you, I'm still on my own this Christmas Eve. I don’t know what will be in store for me for completing the nine evening novena masses this year. But despite finding it difficult to express my thoughts, I tried hard to tell God about my hope for an answered prayer to something I have been asking Him for so long. Years ago, I made a promise – to take care and stand by the side of someone I thought He had planned for me. While I knew I seriously wanted to fulfill this pledge, God has His reason why He declined. I told God I could not promise Him anything in exchange for my request. And this year, I asked Him again if He could grant me the opportunity to fulfill that once broken promise – this time, hopefully, with you.

The answer to my Christmas request is still a work in progress. And if God would allow it, I pledge that Mickey Mouse will no longer be lonesome and lonely anymore because at the end of each day, I will be the Minnie Mouse who will welcome you home.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.